I Am Experimenting With Generative AI

I Am Experimenting With Generative AI

Last week, I used Chat GPT to write the content for my email community. I am consuming a lot of information about these tools and plan to incorporate generative AI into my teaching next semester. I suspect that for many people, these tools are not well understood, so in this post I am taking you on the journey of writing my email blast last week so you can see what they are and are not capable of.

Output from generative AI is only as good as the input prompts provided.

Here is the initial prompt I provided to write my email blast.

A small business owner sends out a weekly email with thoughts on leadership and continuous improvement. He is also a university professor who teaches a graduate class on innovation and entrepreneurship. This week, he is sending an email that covers the following: 1. students have been using generative AI tools to get out of doing work 2. the students are not doing a good job using the AI, often producing work that gets a lower grade and causes them to do more work The instructor would like to incorporate an AI project into the next semester and help the students learn how to use the tools effectively in support of innovation and entrepreneurship. He wants to use his weekly newsletter to call attention to all the AI hype. Write a brief email newsletter blast addressing these issues as well as the machine learning hype in recent news. Include a few interesting stats about generative AI and create a call to action that encourages readers to respond with their thoughts and ideas.

Here is the initial output.

Subject: Navigating the AI Hype: Channeling Generative AI for Success in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Dear Subscribers,

Welcome to another edition of our weekly email where we explore leadership, continuous improvement, and the exciting world of innovation and entrepreneurship. Today, I want to shed light on an important topic that has been surfacing in both my role as a small business owner and as a university professor teaching a graduate class: the rise of generative AI tools and the need to use them effectively to drive success.

In recent times, we have witnessed a surge in the use of generative AI tools by students. While these tools hold tremendous potential, I have noticed a concerning trend among some students attempting to use AI as a means to evade the necessary work. It's important for us to address this issue openly and constructively, while also recognizing the immense value that generative AI can offer when used appropriately.

One significant challenge students face is not fully grasping the intricacies of using AI effectively. Many students are producing work that falls short of expectations and ultimately requires more effort to rectify. As a professor, it is my responsibility to bridge this knowledge gap and empower students to leverage generative AI tools to their advantage.

In the upcoming semester, I am excited to incorporate an AI project that aims to equip students with the skills needed to use these tools effectively in support of innovation and entrepreneurship. It is crucial that we go beyond the hype and understand the true potential of machine learning and AI in driving success.

Here are a few captivating statistics about generative AI to stimulate our thinking:

1. Despite initial hype, studies have shown that only about 30% of organizations using AI achieve their intended business goals. Effective implementation is key to reaping the benefits.

2. The majority of AI projects fail due to lack of understanding and integration with existing workflows. Education and guidance are essential to maximize success rates.

3. Research indicates that AI-driven organizations outperform their competitors by up to 9% in areas such as revenue growth and profitability. It's evident that AI can be a powerful ally when embraced correctly.

Now, I invite you, my valued readers, to contribute your thoughts and ideas on using generative AI tools effectively in the realm of innovation and entrepreneurship. How can we ensure that our students—and even ourselves—capitalize on the potential of these tools without falling into the trap of circumventing valuable work? I encourage you to share your insights, experiences, and suggestions by replying to this email.

Let's collaborate to demystify the AI hype, embrace the opportunities it presents, and empower the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs to leverage generative AI for meaningful and impactful work.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication to continuous improvement.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title/Role]

[Company/University Name]

I did not feel like this had the proper tone for my newsletter, so I provided an additional prompt.

Updated Prompt

Use a more conversational tone.

This is the second output.

Subject: Embracing the AI Hype: Leveraging Generative AI for Success in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Hey there,

Welcome back to our weekly email where we dive into the exciting realms of leadership, continuous improvement, and the ever-evolving world of innovation and entrepreneurship. Today, I want to address a topic that's been on my mind lately—a topic that combines both my role as a small business owner and a professor teaching a graduate class: the buzz around generative AI tools and the need to use them effectively to drive success.

Now, here's the deal. I've been noticing something interesting among my students—they've been getting crafty with generative AI tools, trying to use them as a shortcut to avoid doing the necessary work. And I get it, these tools can be tempting. But here's the thing: they're not quite hitting the mark. In fact, some of their work ends up falling short and requires even more effort to fix. As a professor, it's my responsibility to address this issue head-on and guide my students towards using generative AI tools in a way that truly enhances their work.

So, here's the exciting part. In the upcoming semester, I've decided to incorporate an AI project that will help our students navigate the world of generative AI effectively, supporting their journey in innovation and entrepreneurship. We want to go beyond the hype and truly understand how machine learning and AI can contribute to their success.

Now, let me share a few fascinating stats about generative AI that might get your gears turning:

Can you believe it? Only about 30% of organizations using AI actually achieve their intended business goals. Implementation is everything, my friends.

The majority of AI projects flop because they fail to integrate with existing workflows and lack a deep understanding of how to use AI effectively. Education and guidance are the secret ingredients for success.

Get this—one study found that AI-driven organizations outperform their competitors by up to 9% in areas like revenue growth and profitability. That's nothing to scoff at, folks!

Alright, enough talk from me. I want to hear from you! What are your thoughts and ideas on using generative AI tools effectively in the world of innovation and entrepreneurship? How can we ensure that our students—and even ourselves—tap into the potential of these tools without cutting corners? Hit reply and share your insights, experiences, and suggestions. Let's have a lively discussion!

Together, let's demystify the AI hype, embrace the opportunities it presents, and empower the next wave of innovators and entrepreneurs to harness the true power of generative AI.

Thanks for being a part of our community, and here's to continuous improvement and limitless possibilities!

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Title/Role] [Company/University Name]

That last output got me close enough. I truncated the message and made a few minor style tweaks and sent it out.

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